My Go-To Green Breakfast Smoothie

This smoothie has been my go-to for breakfast lately. I set out to get as many nutrients, fats, and anti-inflammatory foods as possible into my system first thing in the morning. I didn't actually expect it to taste as delicious as it ended up being! 

It's low calorie, high fat, and packed with all kinds of delicious things that are really, really good for you. My routine during the week has been a smoothie for breakfast, and this big batch salad for lunch. I'm all about meal prepping, so I love that I can make little freezer bags ahead of time to cut my prep time down in the morning! 


1/2 (or whole) avocado 

1/2 banana 

1/2 stalk celery 

1/4 green apple  

1 Tbs coconut oil 

1 Tbs chopped fresh ginger 

dash of cinnamon 

dash of turmeric 

handful of spinach

1/2 of a lemon (juiced)

coconut water 


If you're using a magic bullet or something similar, add all the ingredients in the order listed above. If you're using a blender, you'll want to put your spinach in first, then add the rest of the ingredients with the banana and avocado being very last. Basically, you want the most difficult things to blend closest to the blade. You can also add a couple of cubes of ice if you'd like it a little more chilled. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

To cut your prep time significantly, pre-make smoothie freezer bags! Just chop up your celery, apple, banana, and ginger, and place in ziplock bags. You can also go ahead and add your spinach and avocado if you'd like, but I usually just throw it in the morning of to keep it fresh. I’d only make these freezer bags a couple days out at a time, as they tend to get a little weird if they sit in the freezer longer than that!

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